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   Members of 
       Age of Penda

Athelstan Thegn

After their father's unexpected death, Athelstan now our Thegn, confidently seized his brother Osric’s lands and birthright, whilst Osric was on pilgrimage. Proving that sometimes you have to take what you want, and that sharing was never on the agenda! This assertive move sparked  an unspoken family feud, highlighting (for those who know them well) the intensity of their rivalry. Athelstan feels he makes an excellent Thegn, giving no-one (including his brother) any reason to resent him lording it over us!
Only time will tell...



A  fearless Anglo-Saxon warrior and brother of Athelstan, embarked on a decisive pilgrimage to Rome. Fueled by his steadfast faith and a desire for spiritual growth, he tackled every challenge that came his way with unwavering resolve. This journey not only reinforced his connection to his roots and would have  shaped him into a formidable leader of his people and their beliefs.
However, upon his return he found his father had died and his brother Athelstan had become Thegn! 
Osric made it known that he supports his brother in every way, and the last thing on his mind would be to over throw him!...or is it


Sigvid (the sly)

Sigrid Olafsson
(The Sly)
The astute son of an Uppsala trader, He is  a warrior on a mission. He traveled to Saxon lands, driven by his longing to settle down with his wife Aelswith. With each stride, they embraced the promise of a new life, ready to confront whatever obstacles awaited them.
In Mercia they met Athelstan, having negotiated a parcel of land and 
accommodation and swearing allegiance to Athelstan, Sigrid and Aelswith settled in our village.
However, although Athelstan pays well, Sigrid might just swear allegiance to Osric if he were to offer him more.
After all its all about the coin!


Sigvid and Aelswith

Following her father's death, Aeslwith faced a daunting future and sought the security that only a husband could provide. In her search, she found a partner who offered not just safety but also a shared vision for their lives. Their union became a source of strength, allowing them to confront the challenges that lay ahead together.


Alderic's wife

Fleeing the devastation of war in Broceliande, France. Alderic, a dedicated baker and courageous warrior, embarked on a journey with his wife in search of refuge. Their path led them to our village in Mercia where Athelstan, graciously welcomed them. Here, Alderic's passion for baking blossomed, creating a haven of warmth and community spirit amidst their new life.



A widowed  noblewoman from the borderlands, embarks on a poignant journey in search of a new home after the devastating loss of her husband. With each step, she traverses vast landscapes, seeking a place where she can lay down roots and rebuild her life. Her heart, heavy with grief, is also filled with hope as she explores new horizons, determined to find solace and belonging once more. In her quest, Wilda discovers 

our village. Athelstan is very welcoming. Wilda is educated and will be very useful to him.
She is now settled here and spends her days arranging feasts and meetings with visiting


As the day of her arranged marriage approached, Ava, a fierce Anglo-Saxon warrior, felt the heavy expectations of her family weighing on her. Driven by a desire for independence, she gathered her strength and quietly fled into the night. With every step, she abandoned the life that had been laid out for her, welcoming the freedom that lay ahead. Ava's heart surged with excitement, prepared to shape her own destiny.
She is now settled in our village, happily tending her parcel of land and always prepared for battle.


Wulfsige Beorchaeg

Wulfsige Beorchaeg
An Earldoman of King Penda of Mercia, located North of Tamworth. His father Cynewulf, a descendant of the Tomsaete was killed at the battle of Cirencester in 628AD when he was just 16, and he inherited his
father's lands, servants, resources and wealth.
He serves the old gods like his father before him, is very suspicious of those who claim to worship the nailed god of the romans. Who work closely with our enemies in Wessex, Benicia and the Britons, who claim to be our allies, yet seek to convert us.
He collects silver, cattle and goods from subjects under him for King Penda, he passes judgement on legal matters, and when required he summons 
Duguths, Gethsitas, and Ceorls who are loyal to his banner in times of war to our Bernican enemies to the north, or any king who dares to rise conflict against King Penda to which they are paid in gold gifts for service by him, in the form of rings foreign coins, or weapon fittings. His only wish is to rule his lands, worship the all father, and serve King Penda and maintain the status quo.


A skilled Anglo Saxon warrior, embarks on a journey to new lands, seeking adventure and glory. Like many before him, he arrives in Mercia, and in our village!  
Athelstan, seeing his abilities offers him accommodation and a parcel of land. He swears his allegiance to Athelstan.
With his unwavering courage and mastery in battle, he aims to protect his village and forge alliances with neighbouring tribes.  


Once part of a wealthy family from far off lands, he  was sold into slavery and found himself in Mercia. Here, he met Athelstan who was always looking for warriors and new people to work the land.
Asmund embraced his new life as both a warrior and a farmer in our village. Balancing the strength of battle with the toil of the land, he forged a path of resilience and determination. His story is one of transformation, as he carves out a future from the remnants of his past.


Once a proud farmer, he now wandered aimlessly from one village to another, his land and livestock taken from him. The roads he traveled were filled with memories of what once was, but he pressed on, seeking a place to belong. Each village offered a glimmer of hope, a chance to rebuild his life. Despite the hardships, Edgard eventually settled in our village making a new friends and a life for himself.



Athelstan and Edmund are inseparable friends, with Edmund often gracing the village with his presence. Their friendship is marked by shared experiences and countless memories, making them a cherished pair among the villagers. With each visit, Edmund brings stories and laughter, strengthening the bond they share. Together, they exemplify the beauty of true friendship.


Svana Kristinsdotir
A widow and devoted crafter from distant shores, is setting her sights on a fresh start in Mercia. With each handcrafted piece, she brings a piece of her past while looking forward to new adventures. Follow her journey as she transforms her experiences into art and builds a new life filled with creativity and connection.


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